SNS Full processing stationary

Structure and functionality

The SNS PIG 5000 consists of a biological reactor and a technology container with a processing capacity of 5000 m³ of raw liquid manure / per year. Due to the scalability of the system, it is possible to increase the processing capacity at any time.

The 4-stage process engineering consists of:

  1. Separation unit for pressing off the coarse solids
  2. patented bioreactor with coarse and fine filter compartment
  3. Ultrafiltration
  4. Reverse osmosis for the production of demineralized water, cleaning water as well as drinking water
manure environmental protection

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SNS Mobile or stationary

Contact us, we will find the best solution for you.

  • +49 (0) 4442/72477

With its modular container construction, the SNS PIG is highly efficient, fully automated and adaptable to any size of company.

  • Scalable container construction
  • low space requirement
  • chemical-free processing
  • No use of chemicals
  • No polymers
  • closed system
  • Secondary fine dust reduction by up to 60%
  • Recyclable residues
  • Deionized water / cleaning water / drinking water
  • Inexpensive to maintain
  • Low maintenance
  • Automated
  • Remote monitoring and diagnosis
  • No environmentally harmful residues


Einheit Ergebnis Testwasser Richtwerte Trinkwasser Methode
Physikalisch-chemische Parameter
Wassertemperatur (vor Ort) °C 9,2 keine Angaben DIN 38404-4 : 1976-12
ph-Wert (vor Ort 6,26 6,5-9,5 DIN EN ISO 10523
Leitfähigkeit bei 25 °C (vor Ort) μS/cm 77 2790 DIN EN 27888 : 1993-11
Wetter am Entnahmetag (vor Ort) bedeckt keine Angaben keine Angabe
Sensorische Prüfungen
Färbung (vor Ort) farblos 1,0 (FNU) DIN EN ISO 7887 : 2012.09
Trübung (vor Ort) ohne visuell
Geruch (vor Ort) aromatisch 3 bei 23° C (TON) DIN EN 1622 : 2006-10 (Anhang C)
Chloris (CI) mg/l 3,8 keine Angaben DIN EN SO 10304-1
Nitrat-N mg/l 0,338 50,0 DIN EN ISO 13395 : 1996-12
Nitrit-N mg/l 0,0260 0,500 DN EN ISO 13395 : 1996-12
Amonium-N mg/l 3,77 0,50 DIN EN ISO 11732 : 2005-05
Kalium (K) mg/l 3,7 keine Angaben DIN EN ISO 11885 : 2009-09 + DIN EN ISO 15587-2 : 202-07
Summarische Parameter
CSB mg/l <15 keine Angaben DIN 38409-41-1
BSB 5 mg/l <1,0 (NWG) keine Angaben DIN EN 1899-1 1998-05
Anorganische Bestandteile
Gesamtphosphor (P) mg/l <0,050 keine Angaben DIN EN IS 11885 : 2009-09+ DIN EN ISO 15587-2 : 2002-07
Kupfer (CU) mg/l <0,0033 (NGW) 2,0

DIN EN IS 11885 : 2009-09+ DIN EN ISO 15587-2 :

Zink (ZN) mg/l <0,033 (NGW) keine Angaben

DIN EN IS 11885 : 2009-09+ DIN EN ISO 15587-2 :

Berechnete Werte
N-organisch mg/l 4,13 keine Angaben Summe der Einzelwerte
Sonstige Untersuchungsparameter
Carbamazepin μg/l <0,025 DIN 38407-47(OB)
DHH-Carbamazepin μg/l <0,025 DIN 38407-47(OB)
Diclofenac μg/l <0,025 DIN 38407-47(OB)
Ibuprofen μg/l <0,025 DIN 38407-47(OB)
Metoprlol μg/l <0,025 DIN 38407-47(OB)
Sulfamethoxazol μg/l <0,025 DIN 38407-47(OB)

The sampling was carried out according to: DIN 38402-11 2009-2

Awarded to an accredited laboratory

Start of tests: 07.03.2019

End of tests: 13.03.2019

SNS Mobile or stationary

Contact us, we will find the best solution for you.

  • +49 (0) 4442/72477

Customer opinion

We chose SIMTEC Natural Solution because we run our business in an environmentally conscious way and simply want to save costs.

H. Wagner

The SIMTEC module is perfect for my purposes. The setup went very quickly and the employees were able to answer any questions that arose quickly.

T. Wendland

The decision in favor of the SIMTEC modules was the right one, because we have found that they reduce operating costs and that we will remain flexible in the future.

J. Mohr